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Methods in Dart Programming

methods in dart

Developers can create their methods in Dart. Methods are a collection of statements performing some functionality related to the entity for which a class is defined. Methods help to divide large programs into smaller parts, which in turn increases the reusability of the code. Methods can be called whenever required. Information can be passed through methods with the help of parameters. They may or may not return any value.

Types of Methods in Dart

  • Class Methods
  • Instance Methods

1. Class Methods (Static Methods)

For declaring a class method, also called a static method, the static keyword is used. A static method cannot be accessed through an object or instance. This avoids the necessity to create a new object each time to use the method, thus optimizing code. A static method is declared by using a static keyword, method name, and return type.

class Student{
 var name = "John";
 static void value(name){
void main(){

2. Instance Methods

Instance Methods are those methods that can be accessed only by using an object of the class. Instance methods can be accessed within a class too, through this keyword, which implies an implicit unnamed object.

A method will have a definition, a body, and a method call. An instance method is defined with a name, a return type, and a list of parameters. This is called its signature.

class Student{
 var name = "John";
 void value(name){
void main(){
Student stdobj = new Student();

In practical real-world applications, a class will typically have several instance methods and several objects too.

Getter and Setter Methods in Dart

Getter and setter methods in Dart are used for getting and setting a value for their respective class variables.


  • Used to retrieve the value of a particular class field. It is defined using the get keyword. Data can only be read and not modified using the get method.
  • Syntax: returntype get fieldname{}


  • Used to set or override the value of a variable fetched using the get method. Defined using the set keyword.
  • Syntax: set fieldname (value){}

Dart methods methods in dart getter and setter class methods Instance methods
