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The throw Statement in C#

throw statement in c#

The throw statement in c# allows a developer to programmatically throw exceptions using the throw keyword. The thorw statement takes an instance of the particular exception class as a parameter. However, if the instance does not refer to the valid exception class, the c# compilar generates an error. 

While throwing an exception using the throw keyword, the exception is handled by the catch block. 


using System;
namespace Exception_handling_methods
    class Employee
         static void ThrowException(string name)
               if (name == "zia")
                      throw new ArgumentException("Invalid name");
          static void Main(string[] args)
                Console.WriteLine("Throw Example");
                      string empname = "zia";
                       // Print the name if no exception is thrown
                      Console.WriteLine("Name: " + empname);
                 catch (ArgumentException exc)
                       Console.WriteLine("Exception Caught: " + exc.Message);
                       // Optionally, print the name from the caught exception
                       Console.WriteLine("Name from exception: " + empname);


The provided C# code exemplifies the use of exception handling to manage and communicate errors in a program. Within the 'Employee' class, there is a static method named 'ThrowException', which checks if the given name is equal to "zia." If this condition is met, it deliberately throws an 'ArgumentException' with the message "Invalid name." The 'Main' method demonstrates the application of exception handling by attempting to invoke the 'ThrowException' method with a predefined name, "zia." Enclosed within a 'try-catch' block, the code aims to catch any 'argument exception' that might be thrown during the execution of the 'try' block. In the event of an exception, it prints a message to the console, displaying the exception message. The program concludes by waiting for a key press before exiting.

It's essential to note that the provided code has been slightly adjusted for clarity and completeness, ensuring that the name "zia" is printed even when no exception is thrown. The modified 'Main' method now includes an additional 'Console.WriteLine' statement to print the name after the 'ThrowException' method call within the 'try' block. Additionally, there is an optional 'Console.WriteLine' statement within the 'catch' block to display the name from the caught exception, offering insight into the state of the variable at the time of the exception.

C# throw statement try-catch-finally in c# exception handling in c# throw statement in c# throw exception in c# argument exception in c# throw keyword in c# throw statement in c# with example c# throw exception define throw statement
