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Constructors in Dart Programming

Constructor in Dart

Constructors are special methods that have the same name as a class and are used to initialize an object. Whenever an object is created in a program, it automatically calls the constructor.

Syntax of Constructor:

class Classname{

Types of Constructors in Dart

There are three types of constructors which include:

  • Default constructor
  • Parameterized constructor
  • Named constructor.

1. Default constructor:

Default constructors are those constructors that do not have parameters. They are also called not-argument constructors.

void main(){
student std = new student();
class student{
  print("Default Constructors");

2. Parameterized constructor:

Parameterized constructors are those constructors which have parameters through which they take in some variables as arguments. These will help us decide which constructor will be called.

class student{
 student(String name){
   print("Student name is: ${name}");
void main(){
student std = new student("John");

3. Named constructor:

A named constructor is used to create multiple constructors with different names in the same class.

void main(){
 student std1 = new student();
 student std2 = new student.namedConst("Computer Science");
class student{
  print("Default constructor");
 student.namedConst(String branch){
  print("Branch name is: ${branch}");

The default constructor takes no arguments, whereas, for the named constructor, a string parameter called is passed.

Finally, the print () statement is used to print the branch on the terminal.

Dart Constructor Default Constructor Named Constructor Parameterized constructor
